Sep 23, 2008


It is our 8th anniversary today...!


martin goro-goro said...

ear beloved Ifa and Rival,

be happy on your 8th marriage anniversary!!!

May your love and caring that you two have nurtured would go deeper by day and forever lasting and inherited by your beloved children!

We are deeply sorry from the bottom of our hearts that we gorgot to congrotulate you on such a happy occasion.

Love always, papa and ibu

i am SuRe said...

Congratulation for the anniversary..

wah g nyangka uda 8 tahun aja, semoga keluarga Abang & Mbak Ifa selalu diberkahi kebahagiaan..


Uba, Ibu, Undus, Heny

martin goro-goro said...

Dear beloved darlings,

pelase tell us here in Jakarta about your Ied celebration, especially what kinds of fun you had on that day.

We look forward to hearing from you all.

Love always, Papa and Tete

gepede76 said...

So you're passed the '7 year itch' phase. Big deal..hahaha :)
Val-Fa, kasih selamat buat kita (berlaku buat FP) juga, udah tahan satu sama lain selama sekian tahun. Lebih tahan dibanding Jen ke Brad, dibanding Dewi Persik ke Saepul Jamil, Cindy C dan Richard Gere dan most recently, Paramitha Rusady-suaminya org Serbia yg org LDF :P
Happy anniversary !