Aug 16, 2008

Fikhar's Hobbies

This is a list of Fikhar's 21 most favourite hobbies:
1. Playing with the computer
2. Watching television
3. Playing with toy cars
4. Going to the beach when its summer
5. Playing in the snow in winter
6. Playing with my friends in my school; Dhafin, Jonah, and Jie
7. Playing with Raeka
8. Going to the movies
9. Playing with Yazi and Victra
10. Shopping with Tete
11. Playing in the park and swimming
12. Eating omelette
13. Going somewhere, like DFO (Direct Factory Outlet), Barkly Square and High Point
14. Being in my house because our house number is 14
15. Going to school
16. Going to Pengajian
17. Having a garage sale
18. Playing with my scooter
19. Reading books
20. Drawing
21. Having my birthday because my birthday is on 21st of October!!!

1 comment:

martin goro-goro said...

Dear Fikhar,

we are deeply touched by your List of Hobbies. You are very honest with yourself and with others. Moreover, you are really smart in playing symbolic-associative ganes such (1) the total number of your hobbies is 21 which is your birthday' (2) put your hobby to stay in your house at no. 14 and (3) your birthday at its propoer place.

Dear Fikhar, I try my best to keep my promise to be beside you on your coming birthday this year. If my schedule is totally up to me then surely without a second thought I'll prefer to come here. But life sometimes dictates its own course.

Eyang send you and Raeka a big hug for each of you. Tete also is very anxious to have you two in his arms.

Love you very much, Tete and Eyang